3 questions. That’s it. Can you answer them?
B2B marketing is all about providing clear, simple and compelling answers to 3 questions. Who are you? Why should I care? Why should I believe you?
That’s it. Those are the three questions at the core of B2B marketing. So, what’s all the fuss about?
Your answers to those three questions are the key to your growth. One unsatisfactory answer to one of those questions and that’s it. You’re out! There’s no coming back.
You can spend a fortune on SEM, have a killer ranking on Google, or great prospecting programs but none of it will ever work if you can’t answer powerfully those three basic questions.
There are no shortcuts. Each question must be answered in order. And there is no room for error. This brings us to the first question…
There is an assumption that in a B2B relationship people are more open. That everyone is attentive to what’s new and who’s who. That the audience welcomes with open arms new communication. People assume that what they have to offer is so amazing that it will, without a doubt, generate interest.
They are mistaken.
You are an intruder. A nuisance.
Your audience does NOT welcome your communication. They are busy, overwhelmed with requests and solicitation calls. They don’t want anything to do with you.
That’s the cold hard truth!
You only get a millisecond to catch their interest. Only a millisecond to qualify. Only a millisecond to proove that you may be worth another 5 seconds.
Clear, your answer must be right on target, and compelling.
Nailing Question 1 gives you POWER.
• The power to stop your audience in their buying journey
• The power to get noticed
• The power to move onto Question 2
You’ve done it. You nailed Question 1. You stood out from the crowd. But your window of opportunity is still very small. You’ve got less than 60 seconds to make your case. And avoid being kicked out of the game. Remember you are the INTRUDER. Your answer had better be worth their time.
Make it… Relevant. Personal. Possible.
What is your prospect looking for? Your answer must be relevant to your prospect’s request. What is important to your prospect? Your answer must be tailored to your prospect’s reality (needs, worries, benefits).
How can I help my prospect? Your answer must be tangible. Something you can deliver on. Something true. Something you can prove.
Question 2 is all about making you interesting in the eyes of your prospects. Your answer must be straightforward, convincing and unlike any other. There’s no place for bull.
Question 3 awaits. and awaits…
You’ve managed to answer 2 questions out of 3. You’re almost there! Now, all you need to do is make your prospect believe everything you just said is true. This is the challenge of credibility.
Question 3 is not to be taken lightly. It’s a sprint against suspicion. You need to showcase as much evidence of credibility as possible, as quickly as possible, to stay in the game.
You may have your prospect’s attention, but you are still an intruder.
Most of your prospects have been burned before and are no longer as easy to convince. Be prepared to prove each of your claims and demonstrate how you will deliver on them.
Another great way to gain credibility is to tell your story. A relevant, meaningful and well-told story.
You may not have all the stats you need. You may not have all the endorsements you’d like. You may not even have a single client yet.
But, if you can explain why what you do will work, then you’ve still got a fighting chance. Make them see the light. Focus on why what you do works while other ways don’t.
Do it in a distinctive and compelling way. And you will nail Question 3.
Don’t get me wrong. This doesn’t mean you don’t need to showcase other credibility-builders. But if you’ve got a great story to tell, invest in telling it well.
This is your secret weapon.
Nailing these 3 questions is at the core of B2B marketing.
It’s the foundation upon which everything is built.
Unfortunately, most businesses fail to answer them compellingly.