branding et marketing B2B Agence Carbicrete Agency brand digital identity
branding et marketing B2B Agence Carbicrete Agency brand Spec Sheet 2


  • Encourage engineers and architects to specify products made with CarbiCrete technology
  • Incite concrete manufacturers to capitalize on the eco-friendly concrete market by opting for CarbiCrete production technology


  • Successful introduction of a new cement-free concrete product to architects and engineers
  • Licensing agreements for the use of CarbiCrete technology with various concrete manufacturers in North America and Europe

A brand
that stands out!

“It was a true pleasure working with the eau3 team. They very quickly got a handle on the emerging ecosystem in which CarbiCrete operates. They identified our marketing challenges, and proposed some very innovative approaches for how we can best position ourselves in the market.”

Yuri Mytko
Chief Marketing Officer